Yuengling Brewery … cool, refreshing, free tour of ‘America’s Oldest Brewery’


Yuengling Brewery tour, Pottsville, PA. By Julianne CraneYuengling Brewery, America’s Oldest Brewery, sits in the coal mining town of Pottsville, Pa. (We’re in Pottsville visiting longtime friend Rachel Scott.)

Located on the side of a hill, next door to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, this piece of history produces beer every day and offers a free tour that is fun, informative and a pleasant break from any long RV trip.

Among the sights on the walking tour are hand-dug fermentation caves that were used for storage before refrigeration. The brewery not only survived the Prohibition, but has continued to produce during times of “peace, prosperity, upheaval and world war.”

Yuengling Brewery, Premium brew cans, Pottsville, PA. By Julianne CraneYuengling’s Traditional Larger consists of about 70-percent of the sales. I found the Lord Chesterfield Ale to be tasty. It is considered its hoppiest brew.

While the brewery currently has tours schedule Monday-Saturday, as with all tours when you are traveling, be sure to call ahead to confirm tour times and days.

Photos: The excellent guide, Lisa, gives historical background on the 180+ years of Yuengling Brewery in the factory tavern before the tour. Traditional Lagar cans race through the production plant. By Julianne Crane.

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