There’s a pretty good chance we won’t be seeing fireworks on this 4th of July because we will be camping for the next few days somewhere in a National Forest in northeast Washington state.
If we are lucky, we’ll have a campfire with hotdogs and roasted marshmallows. A perfect way to celebrate our country’s Independence Day.
Nancy and Rob: Thank you for staying in touch … and yes we remember you both quite fondly … and you finally let go of your great Fleetwood 12-foot camper. Congratulations.
If other readers would like to learn a little more about we first met these former truck camper owners
click here for a post and a picture.
Happy 4th of July to you ‘n Jimmy! We met you two a few (maybe 5 years now?) ago at Pancho Villa SP and I’ve been following ‘n enjoying your blog ever since!
… It’s been fun to watch you change rigs, as we also have traded our camper for a 22-ft trailer.
… Life is indeed good! …especially on the road!! Safe travels to you both…