5. Before buying your dream recreation vehicle … ponder ‘how much money’ you want to spend


Each day this week we have been reviewing one of five basic questions to ponder before purchasing your first (or next) recreation vehicle and we are hearing from people who have already taken the plunge into the RVing lifestyle.

Earlier this week we’ve suggested considering ‘how you plan to use the RV,’ ‘how many regular users,’ if you want to ‘drive or tow your RV,’ and if there might be ‘non-travel uses for your RV.’

Today take a look at:

5. How much money are you ready to fork over?

What is the total purchase price you want to pay? Prices for new RVs can run anywhere from $4,000 for truck campers to well over a million dollars for deluxe motor coaches.

If your purchasing power does not quite stretch that far, then used rigs are considerably less. To get a good feel for the going prices of previously owned RVs in your area, go online to research on Craigslist.

If you do not purchase your RV outright, how much can you afford in monthly payments? Don’t forget to budget fuel costs, insurance and an emergency road service.

Tomorrow we’ll list several places to go to gather ‘additional information.’

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