In CBS’ special series, “Dave Price: No Way Home,” the “Early Show” weather anchor and features reporter is traveling across the country, starting in Los Angeles with just a backpack and $50.
Dave Price was able to make his way from Las Vegas, Nev., to Meteor Crater, Ariz., by hitching a ride with Greg and Jackie Brunet in their motorhome
“The Brunets, a couple who sold their home in Maine to buy an RV, gave Dave a place to stay for the night. But, that place happened to be their Jeep, which they hitch to their home on wheels. The Brunets gave Dave a sleeping bag, but (he) woke up cold and groggy after spending the night in the vehicle.”
He filed the following report earlier this week (click on the arrow below): (Sorry, but there is a very short soap commercial at the beginning of the tape.)
Video source: CBS