Jimmy Smith reflects on life in the land of play


Golf carts, The Villages. By Julianne Crane

The Villages, a hugely successful 55+ planned community in central Florida, “is a place to live and recreate in a style I have not witnessed until now,” writes Jimmy Smith in ‘Another View’

“I would be curious to know just how many golf carts are deployed in this vast network of trails, golf courses, and fashionable places to shop and eat. I had to see this to believe it existed,” he continues. “This certainly qualifies as one of those places for the bumper sticker: ‘Retired and spending our kids’ inheritance.'”

To read more about Jimmy’s reflections on life in The Villages, buying a Kindle, deep conversations with strangers, and Wikileaks, click on Jimmy Smith’s ‘Another View’

Photo: Hundreds of golf carts, the primary mode of transportation in The Villages, line the streets of the two town squares.

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  • We have an old saying in Japan; “袖振り合うも他生の縁 Sode furiau mo tasho no en.” It literally means when your sleeves touch others’, you have connections with these people from your past lives. A dictionary says ‘Even a chance meeting is due to Karma.’ I love getting lost in thinking about when and where my sleeves touched his or hers every time I have a chat with someone.

  • Jim:
    Actually this is the place to comment on Jimmy’s postings … unfortunately there isn’t a way to do it on his page with this particular Website program. So, thank you for your commenting and please keep reading.

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