Bob Rae writes in The (South Yorkshire, UK) Star about how Voyager Motorhome Hire in the UK is going about the dog-owner trade with Bark ‘n’ Ride.
“With 23 per cent of British households owning a dog, a motorhome specifically designed for their comfort and safety, combined with the convenience and enjoyment of their owners, was long overdue,” said Charles Glover, co-owner of Voyager.
The new design includes practical innovations like a non-slip floor in the dedicated doggy bedroom, which has its own entrance and access ramp.
Read the full article here.
Photo: Best friends: Charles Glover with one of the ‘Bark ‘n’ Ride’ dog-friendly motorhomes. The Star, South Yorkshire, UK
This is great! We travel with our pets and have attempted to make some of the same modifications to accommodate our pets. It would be great to be able to purchase a pet friendly vehicle from the start.