RV holiday gift suggestions: RVers Terri and Mike Church’s ‘Traveler’s Guides’


Looking for camping guide books for an RV friend for Christmas? Consider any of the many “Traveler’s Guide” books written specifically for RV and camping travelers by full-time RVers Mike and Terri Church (Rolling Homes Press).

These travel guides provide detailed information on where to camp, how to get there, maps, things to do once you arrive and where to get supplies.

The extremely popular and well-researched guidebooks include: “Alaskan Camping” (Sixth Edition, 480 pages, $21.95); “Mexican Camping” (Fourth edition, 2009, 544 pages, $21.95); “Camping Mexico’s Baja” (Fifth edition, 2012, 256 pages, $17.95); “Southwest Camping Destinations” (Second edition, 2008, 544 pages, $19.95); “The Pacific Northwest Camping Destinations” (Third edition, 2012, 608 pages, $21.95).

Photo: Mike and Terri Church (Courtesy of Rolling Homes Press)

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