30 worst decisions you can make at campgrounds


bears_attack_tent“Campground choices range from RV parks to cabin resorts to the bare basics often found at national forest campgrounds,” writes Melinda Crow in the Travel section on Yahoo.com. “Whatever your camping preferences, here are the 30 worst moves you can make at a campground.”

Skimming through Crow’s ’30 worst campground moves,’ I picked out four of my personal pet peeves:

1. Invading other people’s space
“Space invaders are the worst campers in any campground,” asserts Crow. “Do not walk through other people’s camps, even if you think they aren’t there. It’s rude and creepy. Don’t let your children do it either.”

2. Playing loud music
“Camping is about enjoying the natural world. Try listening to the wind in the trees, the gurgling of the stream, or the chattering of the birds. Besides, your music is annoying to the neighbors. ”

3. Disrespecting the campground
“Respecting the facility goes beyond simply cleaning up after yourself,” writes Crow, “it means not carving initials into picnic tables, parking only on designated hard surfaces, and finding a way to leave it better for the next guy, not worse.”

4. Leave open food containers outside
“Never. Leave. Open. Food. Outside. Unless you like ants, flies, feral cats, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, bears, or irate neighbors.”

Read all ’30 Worst Camping Decisions’ by clicking here

Julianne G. Crane

Photo: Bears having picnic at unknown camper’s site. (photographer unknown/Yahoo)

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  • Ugh, I can add one. Don’t bring a generator that’s too loud for a construction site to a campground. My wife and I recently camped in the Outer Banks and some guy was running a generator that could be heard from a 1/4 mile away. So annoying. Respect your neighbors. It’s so simple.

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