LAS VEGAS — Todd Seifert writes in The Spectrum about the NASCAR ‘FAN-atics’ at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
Many fans return year after year in their recreational vehicles.
“Ruth Dannenbring is one of those returning fans. She lived in Las Vegas for 18 years before selling her home and living in her motor home four years ago. She said she keeps coming back so that she can visit what was once her hometown and because of the drivers.”
“‘The drivers are such clean, upstanding men,’ she said. ‘You don’t seem to have the issues that you have with baseball and football players.'”
“Dannenbring said the annual race week in Las Vegas has helped foster new relationships. She met fans while camping and then used e-mail to stay in touch with them between races.”
Read the full article here.
Photo: NASCAR RV Fan-atics. Source: The