Professional photographer Stephen Chalmers remembers Christmas in Quartzsite


A few years back, professional photographer and former RVer Stephen Chalmers of Youngstown, Ohio, spent the holiday season in Quartzsite, Ariz., as part of a photographic project on snowbirds.

“Having always lived in cities where it was cold and snowy during December,” said Chalmers, “celebrating the winter holidays while wearing a T-shirt, shorts and sandals seems anachronistic.”

While walking through his RV park, people greeted him in “Santa hats, red scarves and Christmas earrings – offering coffee with Kahlua, mulled cider, fudge and other baked goods.”

At night twinkling lights are everywhere, wrapped around palm trees and encircling the RVs. “It is the rare rig without holiday decorations.”

Julianne G. Crane

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Photo–Christmas lights in an RV park in Quartzsite, Ariz. (Courtesy of Stephen Chalmers).

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