For about a week, I’ve been visiting family near Austin, Texas.
The other day, after having lunch at the original Chuy’s on Barton Springs Road with longtime gal-pal RVer Malia Lane, my sister, Josam Grandin Bullock, and I took a drive down Congress Avenue through the historic Capitol District.
The Capitol Building, modeled after the nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C., sits on 26 acres at the head of Congress Avenue. Dominating the front of the Capitol grounds is a 40-foot Christmas tree with lights programmed to traditional holiday music.
Less than a block from the Capitol is the historic Old Bakery and Emporium where I volunteered many hours making their signature pimento cheese sandwiches during my years at the University of Texas.
These days the Old Bakery and Emporium offers no food service, but lives on as an Austin landmark bearing an official Texas Historical Commission medallion.
Read more about visiting Congress Avenue by clicking on an item I posted on RV Short
To read more about Malia Lane in RV Wheel Life, click here.
Photos: (Top) Texas’ Capitol Building in downtown Austin. (Bottom) Old Bakery and Emporium on Congress Avenue. (Julianne G. Crane)