Winterizing your RV, part 3 — ‘Check batteries, remove or plug into shore power’


Winterizing & Storing your RV ArtThis is the third of a four-part series on ‘Winterizing your RV.’

“You’ll be amazed at how simple it really is to take care of your own rig,” said Mark J. Polk, host of “Winterizing and Storing your RV” (DVD $24.95, and e-download $19.95) available through  RV Education 101. “Anybody can easily winterize and store their RV by following a few easy step-by-step instructions.”

Automotive technician and expert RV educator Polk  (below) said that high up on his list of winterizing concerns are the RV’s deep cell batteries. “Your RV batteries should last at least six years if they are properly maintained,” he said. “Unfortunately lots of RV owners only get one or two years of service from their RV batteries, and improper winter storage is a big reason why.”

MarkPolk_RVEducation101If you don’t plan to use your RV for tailgating or winter camping, Polk recommends charging the batteries then removing and storing them where they cannot freeze.

“If you plan to start the unit while in storage, and/or to periodically plug the unit into shore power,” he said, “you can leave the batteries in the unit. Just make sure they stay charged. Plugging the unit into shore power once a month for about eight hours will help keep the coach batteries topped off.”

Polk also recommends removing any dry cell batteries from devices like smoke alarms and clocks, “but remember to re-install new batteries next spring.”

“Leave doors, drawers and cabinets open so they can air out. If you have roof vent covers installed on the overhead vents that prevent rain from getting inside, leave the roof vents cracked open to allow for some ventilation inside the RV,” he said.

In the final installment of this four-series, the topic is: “Check for leaks; clean inside of aerosols, food.”

If you missed “Winterizing your RV, part 1 – Now or before hard freeze”  — click here.
 For Part  2 “Protect water systems from freezing temperatures” — click here

Julianne G. Crane

Photos: Mark Polk. Courtesy of RV Education 101.

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